Announcement: You can now Bookmark custom settings and preferred complexity options - see this Guide for details

Announcement: Use of Internet Explorer is not supported for this webpage.

Complexity Mode

To bookmark the preferred complexity mode simply append to our address the ? and mode as per below:

  1. IRAP - ?irap
  2. Words/XKCD - ?xkcd
  3. Custom - ?custom - you can further combine the custom options below.

Symbols and Numbers

To bookmark the symbols and number settings, simply append to our domain the 'sn' and 'pos' parameters:

  1. Symbols and Numbers enabled (e) - ?sn=e (default)
  2. Symbols and Numbers disabled (d) - ?sn=d
  3. Symbol only (s) - ?sn=s
  4. Number only (n) - ?sn=n
  5. Position START (s) - ?pos=s
  6. Position END (e) - ?pos=e (default)

Password Length

To bookmark a preset custom password length simply append to our domain the 'l' parameter as per below:

  1. Length - X?l=16 (between 8 and 16 inclusive)
  2. Words/XKCD mode - is always 4 words, can't be changed (want this feature? email us!)

Bringing it all together

You can combine these parameters in the address with the & sybmol - here are some examples

  1. XKCD mode, with Symbol and Number diabled - ?xkcd&sn=d
  2. XKCD mode, with just a Symbol at the start - ?xkcd&sn=s&pos=s
  3. Custom mode, with Number only, at the start, 12 characters - ?custom&sn=n&pos=s&l=12
  4. Custom mode, with Symbol only, at the end, 16 characters - ?custom&sn=s&pos=e&l=16

Multicomm Business Services
P: (03) 5564 7070
F: (03) 5562 9206